Blue Module


Compliancy Award: For the best solutions that comply with regulations

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Number of employees at the company3-20

What is the measurable positive impact from implementing ESG?

For the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), the measurability of performance is crucial. In the Netherlands, practical implementation is now being carried out by Dutch banks through the introduction of the so-called Sustainability Paragraph (DuPa 2.0.), where from February 17 this year, all bank appraisals (more than 25,000 per year and increasing) are required to include mandatory ESG information. This autumn, Blue Module has been selected by the banks as one of the providers of this information. DuPa 2.0. is an important step forward and overlaps with the reporting for CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), which is also becoming mandatory for an increasing number of real estate companies.

What kind of innovation or technology does the company use?

Blue Module has developed what is known as ESG Accounting software. The so-called ESG BasicScan is an accessible gateway to project and process management in ESG. We have implemented all the leading frameworks: DuPa 2.0., BREEAM, GRESB, WELL. Optimally prepared for CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) reporting. Integration with the most prominent cost tools in the market. Own ESG database, available in the cloud or on-site. Dashboarding of your portfolio - ESG scores and required investments in sustainability.

Who are the founders of the company and what is their experience?

Founders are Jan Willem de Graaf (CTO) and Paul Wessels (CEO). The founders have successfully built and sold two market-leading companies (PropertyNL and CubicEyes). PropertyNL was acquired by FD Media Group, a leading financial publisher in the Netherlands. The founders and other team members have successfully worked together in previous companies.
Industry expertise: Extensive experience in developing software for property management and banking clients, including SBR Nexus (an initiative of ABN Amro, ING, Rabo).
International influence: The Blue Module team actively participates in international expert groups for the development of ESG standards (IBOS, IBPDI, RICS Europe Sustainability Working Group).

What is the leadership style of the company? Is this a sustainable one?

Our leadership style can be characterized as servant leadership. Our goal is to demonstrate leadership in the market in terms of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) while simultaneously helping the people we work with to achieve their best potential. With our company, Blue Module, we invest in the long term to empower one of the most important trends in ESG: providing solid evidence using recognized frameworks. We believe that this plays a role in the broader society, improving the community and the environment. This includes ethical behavior and transparent business practices. In building our team, we strive for an inclusive culture that values and promotes diversity. We actively encourage our team members to participate in decision-making processes and to bring forward their own ideas and solutions.

What is the company's business model and how is this scalable?

Blue Module is growing by focusing on superior ESG Accounting software and seeking collaboration with companies in the supply chain that do not want to develop such software themselves. Examples include appraisers who need to report on ESG to banks, or property managers who must provide ESG information to their clients. Real estate owners or corporates with real estate also need systems for reporting, for instance, for CSRD. We offer three levels of service:

An affordable, fully automated ESG BasicScan at a very reasonable price, enabling clients to quickly meet their reporting obligations.

Advanced: The perfect solution for customers who want to expand their service offering to clients with ESG advice. Advanced analytics, customizable reports, and integration options. Revenue from building and maintaining the ESG database in Blue Module software, developing custom ESG reports, and employee training.

Advisory services (in collaboration with partners): For clients who prefer full support or who do not have the resources to provide ESG advice themselves. Engagement of partners. Fee percentage, depending on the role and contribution.

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