Public voting

From the 1st until the 18th of February 2024, the public can vote for their favorite company or individual.
The public’s vote will account for 10%.

    After the MIPIM in Cannes, we will publish an E-book containing all the solutions that applied by category. If you want to recieve the E-book please register via the button below.

    • Present one of the awards to the winner on the Grand Auditorium Stage of MIPIM 12th March 16:45-17:45;
    • And a lot more, please download the information below.

    If you are interested in becoming a jurymember, partner or sponsor; please contact Wouter Truffino via Send a mail or call +31 6 2861 5727.

    Please do the public voting below. We hope to see you 12th March for the Trophy Presentation in Cannes during MIPIM on the Grand Auditorium Stage between 16:45 – 17:45.

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